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Trova il dentista di qualità nella tua città. Per la cura del tuo sorriso scegli un Dentista di Qualità selezionato da Dentista Più. Dr Lorenzo e Luca Antonelli. È il network italiano che ospita solo dentisti di comprovata esperienza e professionalità. Che operano in base a principi di etica e qualità. Consigli utili per la prevenzione.
Was created with the free EasyRotator. Need a powerful Flash slideshow. Os casos urgentes são atendidos em sem a necessidade de agendamento prévio de consulta, todos os dias incluindo sábados domingos e feriados.
I have been home for a week now and it has been overwhelming. The past four months seem so surreal. I find it hard to grasp on to any tangible memories. I remember so much about Switzerland and Italy. In fact I have a whole collection of details and events mapped out in my mind. All I have is a feeling. Maybe the memories will become clearer over time, but I think that the feeling is what will stay with me.
Pero tambien es una crítica a la odontología que trata de adornarse innecesariamente. Los tratamientos de la más alta calidad no necesitan arreglarse ni ponerles nombres pomposos. Propongo información sencilla para quien va al dentista o para otros colegas.
One of the most important parts of a bright smile are your teeth. Do you love the way your teeth look and the way you smile? Are there spaces between your teeth? Do you have missing teeth? Are your teeth mal-positioned or shorter than others? Are your canine teeth too prominent? Are very comfortable and the patient can maintain good oral hygiene with them. You can now put braces on and off in seconds with them! Your denti.